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Intensive Marriage Counseling Retreat

Dec 4

Love, trust, and commitment are crucial factors of a marriage that, if lost, jeopardizes the entire union making it necessary to seek expert services to solve the problem. An Affair of The Heart provides a professional and reliable Intensive Marriage Counseling Retreat that enables you to win back the lost love, trust, and commitment in the marriage, making it stronger. Through a detailed retreat program, you get guided on how to deal with the various issues affecting your marriage while being furnished with the tools to handle future problems without putting the marriage at risk. 

How do I undergo a mid-life crisis without affecting my marriage? 

A mid-life crisis causes you to re-evaluate your choices in life to improve your life by changing your lifestyle. In most cases, the process affects the marriage since you might find yourself questioning the value of the marriage. Marriage Retreats allow you and your partner to analyze life disruptions together and develop working coping skills for life shifts and turns. The result of the therapy enables you to stay together and work on building your relationship to withstand anything that life throws your way. 

How do I ensure that I give it all in the retreat? 

The moment you agree to make the retreat is a confirmation that you are ready to work on the marriage and correct the problems. An Affair of The Heart provides a conducive environment away from your daily routine to keep you focused on your partner and healing the relationship. The Relationship Retreat has a daily program which, when you follow and give it, helps you to work together with your partner to heal your relationship. The resultant effect of your effort is regaining the love and trust you have in each other. 

How do I handle my marriage problems before they become a problem? 

For a marriage to work effectively, the various issues you face must get handled before they grow into serious issues. Deciding to take Therapy Retreats in the early stages of the marriage when the issues occur enables their quick resolution that doesn’t put the marriage at risk. 


How do I ensure that the relationship stays on track? 

The vital steps of maintaining a healthy marriage are to ensure that the love, trust, and communication in the marriage aren't lost. Call us today to avail our Relationship Retreats!

An Affair Of The Heart

43 Center St G, Northampton, MA 01060

(413) 210-3739